A long ago memory nagged as I drove the Oregon Coast at Neahkahnie Mountain. The memory had me thinking of mystery and treasure. Was there really a story of buried treasure on Neahkahnie mountain or was it just a story from one of my Nancy Drew pre-teen mysteries?
So, I asked around and "googled" and found this on Wikipedia:
"A legend, dating back to the mid-1800s and the first Hudson's Bay Co. employees to arrive in the area, claim the mountain conceals a lost treasure, hidden by Spanish sailors in the late 16th century.[3] There are various versions of the legend, but the most common ones involve a group of sailors carrying a chest up the hillside, then digging a hole and lowering the treasure inside. As the story goes, one of the sailors then plunges his sword into one of the men with them, apparently an African slave, and his body was then thrown in on top of the treasure; the idea being, Native Americans would not disturb a man's grave, so keeping the treasure under a dead man would prevent the Native Americans—who, in most versions of the story were watching the activity closely from nearby—from digging it up."